Case studies on Display & Video 360

Reckitt US boosts its connected TV strategy with Display & Video 360

The brand complemented their strategy with ready-to-use Google affinity and in-market audience in Display & Video 360. These Google-made segments allowed them to reach streamers interested in boosting their immune system across YouTube and other CTV apps.

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Uber Eats delivers a 10% increase in campaign reach with Display & Video 360

Uber and their media team at MediaCom found that using Display & Video 360 would give them access to the largest and most diverse pool of inventory sources – from display and video to audio and connected TV (CTV).

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Adidas uses Display & Video 360’s connected TV solutions to show the world it is “Ready for Change”

By using Display & Video 360, they fast tracked the process of negotiating Programmatic Guaranteed deals with major publishers and setting up the campaign. They also cut down administrative complexity thanks to Display & Video‘ 360’s unified billing.

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How did L’Oréal make one creative idea work 100K+ different ways? With a little help from Display & Video 360, Studio and GWD.

Using Studio and an automated feed, the brand combined its audiences, images, and copy to generate 100K creative variations. Finally, the brand used Display & Video 360 to serve personalized creative to each audience in the right context.

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With Display & Video 360, Google Media Lab brings the best of programmatic to its linear TV ad buys

With traditional TV media buying, it’s not easy to set the financial terms of your media buys and monitor them over the entire process. Buying linear TV with Display & Video 360 gave Media Lab and PHD more control over their investments and channels.

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Australia’s Qantas uses Display & Video 360 to reach frequent flyers with relevant ads

Qantas didn’t want to serve the same ads to everyone, especially existing customers like its coveted frequent flyers. Looking to get more out of its Programmatic Guaranteed buys, the brand turned to Display & Video 360, part of Google Marketing Platform, to deliver more relevant creative to existing customers.

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OMD revs up high-value traffic for Nissan with Google Display & Video 360

They found that automated-bidding algorithms worked in synergy with OMD’s custom settings, like curated placement lists, private deals and advanced brand safety controls. As a result, OMD was able to optimize campaigns in real time and find more qualified customers, all while providing control over where the ads were displayed.

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Ford Brazil wins with Google Display & Video 360 native ads on mobile

Since creating better ad experiences for consumers has become more important, Ford decided to test native advertising. Native advertising is less intrusive, and fits the form and function of the publisher’s content. Ford worked with its agency Global Team Blue to identify key partners to test native, including Google Display & Video 360.

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Scotiabank makes a winning investment with Google Display & Video 360

The Digital Factory team turned to Display & Video 360, combining carefully tailored audience lists with a Programmatic Guaranteed ad-buying feature. This allowed the team to reach (or exclude) their current customers with a new offer, achieve guaranteed access to premium publisher inventory, and increase its overall reach.

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L’Oréal Paris puts a fresh face forward with Google Display & Video 360

The team consolidated all media buying into Google Display & Video 360 so it would be possible to control frequency and reach users a pre-defined number of times. To ensure messaging would resonate, L’Oréal Paris identified audiences that had an interest in beauty products and already had an affinity to the brand.

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I want to try Display & Video 360